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dc.contributor.authorFlores Rodríguez, A. K.
dc.coverage.spatialEstado de México, Méxicoes_MX
dc.description.abstractThis paper is the result of a reflection of my teaching practice, which shows the analysis of an specific problem detected in the secondary school No.0321 “Joaquin Baranda” this school is located in Sta. Cruz Cuauhtenco, municipality Zinacantepec, State of Mexico. The students (group of study) of this school consider the English Language as a difficult subject to understand and learn; the students had the wrong idea that it is not necessary to learn English because of their lifestyle. Also, some of them think that learning another language requires a lot of time and they have other priorities. Although the background doesn't motivate them to continue in order to get better working opportunities.es_MX
dc.format.extent64 páginases_MX
dc.publisherEscuela Normal Superior del Estado de Méxicoes_MX
dc.rightsAcceso restringidoes_MX
dc.subjectAsignaturas de enseñanza básicaes_MX
dc.subjectCompetencias para la vidaes_MX
dc.subjectEnseñanza de una segunda lenguaes_MX
dc.subject.classificationMaterias de enseñanza básica y generales_MX
dc.titleGuided writing to develop writing skill in third grade secondary school studentses_MX
dc.description.versionVersión final del autores_MX
dc.type.tipologiaDisertaciones y conferencias (ponencias)es_MX

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