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dc.contributor.authorTéllez Escamilla, R.
dc.coverage.spatialEstado de México, Méxicoes_MX
dc.description.abstractThis paper shows the analysis and reflection as result of research activities; working with printed resources, attending libraries, as well as electronic documents in the internet and the most important the teaching practice in the group of study. These helped me to read, select the correct activities to learn vocabulary, analyze the information, and inform about obtained results.es_MX
dc.format.extent71 páginases_MX
dc.publisherEscuela Normal Superior del Estado de Méxicoes_MX
dc.rightsAcceso restringidoes_MX
dc.subjectAsignaturas de enseñanza básicaes_MX
dc.subjectCompetencias para la vidaes_MX
dc.subjectEnseñanza de una segunda lenguaes_MX
dc.subject.classificationMaterias de enseñanza básica y generales_MX
dc.titleTeaching vocabulary for writing in english in first grade secondary school studentses_MX
dc.description.versionVersión final del autores_MX
dc.type.tipologiaDisertaciones y conferencias (ponencias)es_MX

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